First picture taken for me The photographer put his Iqal on my head for the photo.



Photo for the first Passport

My old House in Maareed

Al-Ghob area in Ras Al-Khaima

With Cousin AMH

With Cousins

All neighborhood houses in Maareed, RAK were made from Palm tree Jareed then. This tent on the left was in our house, belongs to my mother.

Father Majlis in Maareed, RAK.

our old house in Maareed, RAK with my father summer Areesh seen in the back.

Maareed Sea side

With a childhood friend Yousif in a boat in Maareed sea. I was in the back of the boat filming.

Our neighbor in Maareed Haj Ismail with his child on the shore. His boom (ship) in the seen in the back.

This Palm Jareed tent was the first public library and Cultural club in in RAK. I founded the club/library with permition of His Highness Shaikh Sagir, the ruler.Most of the books were given to me as gifts from Kuwait ministry of education on my request when I was student there.

Official hand written document by Shaikh Sagir granting me permition to open the library. Stamped and dated 3rd of Safer 1379 H equal 9 Aug. 959

My friend Said Shaheen in the Areesh. His father who was palm tree house builder built this Areesh-Library for me. Drinking water clay pot & tea thermos seen in the back.

East of Maareed 1958, one year before the building of the library

The east side of Maareed city, the library seen on the right and the Borj (guard tower of Maareed) on the left. The Borj was manned with 24 hrs guards at that time.

Alqasimia School where I completed the elementary and first intermediate class in, before going to Kuwait for further schooling.

This was the main shopping center for RAK then

The Ruler Shaikh Sagir Bin Mohd Al-Qasimi castle. The shade on the right is his summer Majlis.

Picnic in Alsalhia area in RAK with school friends mostly from Alqasimi family of RAK,

Picnic in Alsalhia area in RAK with school friends mostly from Alqasimi family of RAK,

Mother relatives summer houses (Areeshs) in Shimal, RAK.

My ankle Ali Bin Hindi Al-Shamsi in his Palm farm